Frequently Asked Questions
For Business Owners
- What is the safest way to get started?
Many of our services are designed to take the financial risk out of the equation. Our recruiting service is complimentary to try. Just tell us in detail the position you are trying to fill and we promise you that you will be delighted with the quality of the candidates that we present and you interview. We do a complimentary Website/SEO evaluation that will simply blow you away and open your eyes. We do low-cost business performance evaluations that are invaluable and come fully guaranteed. Our one-day sales training seminar will leave you wanting more. Our follow up program, where we contact all your non-buying customers for the last 30 days, will not only spike your sales, but also give you a clear understanding on how your sales force is performing.
- Explain you Exclusive Satisfaction Guarantee?
Our organization fully understands that there are a lot of bad companies, offering bad services with minimal results. We are so confident in our abilities and committed to long-term Client relations that we do not want to be paid unless we do exactly what we say we will do. It’s really just that simple.
For Job Seekers
- Does applying to your organization guarantee me a job?
No. We can never make that guarantee. Once we do our due diligence on you, getting the right job has other factors to it that we do not have control over. Do we currently have a Client that is looking for someone like you? Is your resume exciting enough to compel a Client to request an interview? How will you perform at the interview? How will your references answer specific questions from our Clients when they call? After the interview, will the details of the opportunity be to your satisfaction.
- What are the advantages of applying with you?
Mainly, it exposes you to job openings that you would not be exposed to. Most of our job openings are highly confidential. Either because the business likes to keep their searches quiet or they already have someone in place that they need to replace. For the more proactive job seeker, our marketing service is similar to hiring an agent to actively market you not only to open job orders, but to many businesses in your commutable area. For quality candidates, many of our Clients would want to meet with you. If they like you, they might find a spot for you.